Our Aims
By uniting, strengthening Peterborough’s voluntary, community sector, and championing our members and their work, we help to make the sector’s impact greater than the sum of its parts, and improve the quality of life for people across the city.
PCVS stands up for local charities, community groups, and volunteers and gives a voice to the voluntary services sector in Peterborough. With more than 350 members, we’ve supported Peterborough’s charities and volunteering groups for 40 years.
Look at our renewed strategy launched at our Conference and AGM in 2023:
Our aims are to:
Provide specialist expertise, information, and support, develop the skills local people need to run successful organisations, and help groups find and make effective use of resources.
Spread good practice, prevent duplication of effort, and support joint working.
Make sure policy makers understand the needs of local voluntary organisations and community groups, and help public bodies engage effectively with local voluntary organisations and community groups.
Encourage more people to volunteer and get involved in voluntary and community action.
Provide direct services to meet identified needs where there is no appropriate local member organisation.
Find local needs and promote initiatives for meeting them, including through partnerships between statutory and voluntary sectors.