Photo of Peterborough Pride march

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Climate Action Fund: Our Shared Future – National Lottery Community Fund

The Climate Action Fund is our commitment to help communities tackle climate change. We’re supporting communities to be environmentally sustainable.

With Climate Action Fund – Our Shared Future we want to involve more people in climate action. And we want to inspire bold and exciting change.

We’ll only fund projects developed in a formal partnership with other organisations.

We’re looking for partnership projects that reach more people by either:

  • linking climate action to the everyday lives and interests of local communities. And inspiring them to take action.
  • influencing communities at a regional or national level. Like linking up groups across locations. Or a campaign that inspires change across one country, or the whole UK.

You do not have to be a climate or environment focused organisation to apply

We want to reach people who are new to climate action by funding other types of organisations too. And by using people’s everyday activities as a starting point for climate action.

We’re particularly interested in projects that involve people, places and communities experiencing poverty, discrimination and disadvantage.

Suitable for
Formal partnerships, working across sectors. Led by community and voluntary organisations or public sector organisations.
Funding size
The minimum you can ask for is £500,000. We expect to fund most projects for between £1 million and £1.5 million over 3 to 5 years. We may fund a small number of larger or longer projects. Contact us if you would like to discuss this. We aim to fund around 25 projects.
Total available
£30 million
Application deadline
You’ll be able to apply until Spring 2025. We will announce the final deadline nearer the time.