What's Going On?
East of England Regional Research Delivery Network (EoE RRDN) Patient & Public Involvement & Engagement (PPIE) Innovation Grants 2024/25 (H2)
We are inviting applications for the East of Regional Research Delivery Network (EoE RRDN) Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Innovation Grant Scheme, to support diverse and inclusive public involvement, engagement and participation in research. The purpose of this scheme is to improve research inclusion, raise awareness of research amongst under-served groups and improve access to research for patients and the wider community.
You are invited to apply for up to £3,500 to deliver a project, which must be completed by 31st March 2025. More detailed information about the criteria for applications and who is eligible to apply can be found in this EoE RRDN PPIE Innovation Grant Information Sheet.
To make an application please complete the online form by following this link: https://forms.gle/AdjY1GSEs9LgpxhS9 by midnight on Friday 25th October 2024.