Photo of Peterborough Pride march

What's Going On?

Funding Arts & HeritageChildren & Youth

Jerwood Foundation – £1,000 and £25,000

How much?

There is no maximum or minimum award amount specified.
Grants of up to £180,000 have been awarded, although most grants range between £1,000 and £25,000.

Who Can Apply?

Groups working to make art available for public benefit can apply.

Groups must provide a copy of their organisation’s latest audited accounts (smaller charities should instead provide their annual budget with income and expenditure details)


The next deadline is 1 March 2024 for awards to be made in April 2024.

To apply, groups should provide the following in one document (word or PDF) by email:

  • A one-page summary of the project with a short description and start date.
  • A budget and fundraising plan.
  • Any other relevant information.

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