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What's Going On?

Funding Children & YouthOngoing

Masonic Charitable Foundation: Children and Young People Grants Programme

Following a pause in application assessment, the Masonic Charitable Foundation is once again open and providing grants under the following programmes:

  • Children and Young People
  • Later Life Inclusion

The funds are open to registered charities with beneficiaries in England and Wales with at least one year of independently examined or audited accounts.

There are two levels of grant funding available:

  • Small, unrestricted grants of £1,000 to £15,000 for charities with an income below £500,000.
  • Large project grants of £10,000 to £60,000 for charities with an income exceeding £500,000.

All grants can be over one, two or three years.

The Children and Young People stream is intended to support disadvantaged young people to overcome the challenges they face through education, individual interventions and encouraging healthy behaviours.

The Later Life stream is intended to reduce loneliness and isolation for older people through digital inclusion, provision of clubs and activities and befriending support.

Charities can only apply for one of the two programmes at a time.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


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