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What's Going On?

Forum meetingsNetworkingSupport ConsultationHealth / Mental HealthMeeting

RNIB Peterborough VI Forum

10:00 to 12:00
RNIB Peterborough, Northminster House, Peterborough, PE1 1YN

Next meeting Monday 2 December 10am – 12pm at RNIB Offices, Northminster House, Peterborough, PE1 1YN.

Dear local visually impaired (VI) people

We would like to invite you to the Peterborough VI Forum, a group run by and for local blind and partially sighted people.

The Peterborough VI Forum brings together local visually impaired people and partner organisations to find out about and keep up to date with the latest events, activities and services available for blind and partially sighted people from the local area. This is a chance to hear directly from local service providers about their latest news and updates and a chance for us to ask them any questions we may have.

We have Michelle Cover, Mobile Outreach Lead at Cam Sight as one of the speakers at the next forum. Michelle will be able to give us an update on Cam Sights services and share any relevant information from Cam Sight with us. We are still working on arranging our second speaker.

Where: RNIB Peterborough, Northminster House, Peterborough, PE1 1YN

Also meeting hybrid on Microsoft Teams, can join by link, dial or be dialled in

When: Mon 2 Dec from 10:00 to 12:00

Next meeting: March 2025

To ask any questions or to be dialled into the Microsoft Teams meeting, please email



Looking forward to seeing you there!

The Peterborough VI Forum Team

Image for event RNIB Peterborough VI Forum

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