We’re Working on a New Website!
PCVS are delighted to announce that they are working on a new website! It’s going to be an even better space for volunteers, charities, and the people of Peterborough to get the latest information and access all the services and training that PCVS provides.
This does mean that we need to ask you for a bit of patience. Updates to our current website are likely to be smaller and less frequent while we focus our efforts on making sure our new website is everything it needs to be.
You can still follow us on our social media channels to get the latest updates about what is going on at PCVS and in the charity and voluntary sector in Peterborough.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeterboroughCouncilforVoluntaryService
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/peterborough-council-for-voluntary-service/
We also have a monthly newsletter which you can opt in to by clicking this link.