FOCUS ON blog – Care Network Cambridgeshire
This is the second FOCUS ON blog. In this series, we shine a spotlight on PCVS member and partner organisations in the voluntary and community sector. We recently spoke to Corrina O’Flaherty Seddon from Care Network Cambridgeshire to find out what was going on at the charity.
What is Care Network Cambridgeshire?
Care Network Cambridgeshire is a local charity that has been serving the people of Cambridgeshire for over 35 years, empowering communities and individuals to live happier, healthier, and independent lives. The charity works with adults in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough using a person-centred approach and volunteer support to improve health, confidence, and connection.
“Providing real, caring support in the community is crucial – not only in times of crisis, as now, but all the time; and this is what Care Network staff does brilliantly.”
There is no charge for any of Care Network Cambridgeshire’s services, and anyone can make a referral. We work closely with individuals, family members and professionals to provide a joined-up holistic approach.
Staff and Volunteers at Care Network Cambridgeshire
Corrina is one of 26 members of staff employed at Care Network Cambridgeshire. She said:
“I started at Care Network as a volunteer whilst on a career break to be at home with our young children. I went on to be employed 7 years ago, first in the Community Navigator team and now as our Fundraising and Marketing Content Manager. I enjoy talking to people about the impact our charity has on individual lives and communities and the value of volunteering.”
Care Network Cambridgeshire’s staff are supported by 73 volunteers to deliver holistic one to one support. All staff and volunteers undergo an induction and training programme, and enhanced DBS checks. The charity has been awarded both the Caring Together Carer Friendly Tick for Employers and the Investing in Volunteers awards.
Providing Help at Home Services
Corrina says that one of Care Network Cambridgeshire’s biggest achievements is in running a Help at Home service which offers practical and emotional support to people over the age of 18 years who may need a helping hand. The organisation provides a person-centred service with the aim of helping patients to return home from hospital, in a safe and timely manner, prevent readmission, remain independent, and make connections in their community.
There is also a Care Network Cambridgeshire coordinator based at Peterborough City Hospital who can visit patients on the ward and who works with hospital teams to help put support in place ready for discharge. Staff and volunteers also work in the community to help people stay independent and confident at home. In the past year Care Network Cambridgeshire has received 140 Peterborough referrals to the Help at Home service.
What people say about the Help at Home service:
“I don’t have anyone to help me at home, so you being there to support me coming out of hospital made such a difference to me. I am so grateful. Thank you.”
“Such swift support for the patient to be discharged. Thank you.” Discharge Planning Team.
Care Network Cambridgeshire continues to offer volunteering opportunities that make a real difference to people’s lives and who help reach ever more local people in need of support. If you would like to volunteer with Care Network Cambridgeshire you can find more information on the charity’s website: It’s easy to apply, very flexible, and full training and support is given.
If your organisation or community group would like to feature in a future edition of FOCUS ON please contact