What We Do
What we do
Charities and volunteers play a vital role in improving the lives of thousands of people in Peterborough.
Peterborough Council for Voluntary Service (PCVS) has a diverse range of members from different ethnic backgrounds, faiths and disabilities. We stand up for local charities, community groups and volunteers and give a voice to the voluntary services sector in Peterborough.
Our expert support helps these incredible organisations run more effectively and make a bigger impact to local communities.
Our help across the sector is broad
From guiding groups and charities through the set-up processes for their new initiatives to standing up for the voluntary services sector and helping to make local lives better.
We are well placed to identify local needs and develop initiatives for meeting them. This includes promoting partnerships between statutory and voluntary sectors in the delivery of welfare and other services. For example, we offer a direct payments service and a PA register for carers and recipients.
Our support for local communities includes monthly PCVS news, newsletters on fundraising, training and support and members events. Check out What’s Going On for news and events.
Support and activities
Check out below all the support and activities going on at PCVS
Direct Payments and Personal Health Budgets
We work closely with Peterborough Adult Social Care to provide individual’s with care needs the opportunity to buy in their own care support.
PCVS Forums
We encourage and empower local groups and organisations to put forward their views on local and national policies and decisions that affect them.
Members have access to the Funding Newsletter and support in making applications for grants.
Group Payroll Services
We provide a monthly payroll service for our members. We use Sage Payroll software to calculate salaries and generate PAYE documents.
Personal Assistant Register
In partnership with Peterborough City Council we support Personal Assistants to register with the council, to access training and provide support through regular coffee mornings.
Training and Support
Get practical help through training, workshops and networking; receive advice on issues concerning voluntary groups or charities.
Supporting communities
We provide a single point of contact to disseminate information to the wider Peterborough community. We can co-ordinate responses to crises and critical events.
Other services and projects
PCVS carries out projects where no other local voluntary sector organisation provides the service. We also run the Peterborough Volunteer Centre.
Poverty Truth Commission
Poverty Truth Commissions look to discover the answer to the question, ‘what if people who struggled against poverty were involved in making decisions about tackling poverty?’
The volunteer centre promotes volunteering through the development and management of the Go-ViP volunteering platform and helping to match volunteers and vacancies.