Direct Payments and Personal Health Budgets
PCVS Direct Payments Support Team provide a friendly, flexible service for people in Peterborough who receive Direct Payments as part of their “care package”.
We offer free and independent advice and support. Our team has a strong understanding of social care in Peterborough, built on years of experience. We work closely with Adult Social Care, health professionals, charities, voluntary groups and other services.
We support service-users to set up and manage their Direct Payments, promoting more choice and control over their own care and support.
PCVS Direct Payments Support Service is part of a registered charity, not for profit and driven by service-user needs.
Personal Assistants
We also support Personal Assistants to register and find clients and help clients find Personal Assistants.
What are Direct Payments?
Direct Payments are payments to individuals who have been assessed as having “eligible needs” for social care. They enable people to choose how to arrange their own care and support.
The purpose of Direct Payments is to increase choice and independence by giving service-users more control over their own care and support.
Direct Payments have been available since 1997. There is no minimum or maximum amount payable for a Direct Payment. But it must be cost effective and of a quality acceptable to the local authority.
See our Helpful Resources for more information.
Who can get Direct Payments?
Anyone assessed by the local authority as having “eligible needs” for support, who is also able and willing to manage the direct payment. You can do it alone or with support. PCVS can provide this support for you by managing your direct payment.
People with “eligible needs” includes:
Older or disabled people aged 16 or over
People with long term illness, sensory impairment, mental health problems
A carer assessed as needing support in their own right
A person with parental responsibility for a disabled child
How can I get Direct Payments?
Contact Peterborough City Council Social Care Department to arrange to have your needs assessed. See our Helpful Resouces
If you already have a Support Plan, this will help you to explain your needs to the person who does the assessment. We can help you to create your own Support Plan if you have a learning disability.
Setting up your Direct Payments
After funding has been agreed, you will need:
Bank account
You will need a separate bank account for Direct Payments only. You will be asked to keep bank statements. You will not need this if you use our managed service.
Financial Assessment
Your finances will be assessed by the local authority, and you may be asked to pay a contribution towards the costs of care arranged using your Direct Payments.
If the Social Care Department agrees that you need support, you will be asked to sign a contract that sets out what you can use your Direct Payments for and how much you will receive.
What we provide:
PCVS Direct Payments Support Service offers:
Information and advice
Help to set up a separate bank account
Employers Liability Insurance and advice on becoming an Employer
Payroll Service to help with Tax, NI and Statutory Sick Pay
Financial records support
Problem solving
You can choose:
Telephone advice
An appointment to meet an adviser in our accessible city centre office
Drop in service
Home visit on request, if you can’t get to our office
Personal Health Budgets
We also support individuals who have a Personal Health Budget from the NHS. These budgets are very similar to Direct Payments, but they are for those people whose needs have been assessed as being eligible for NHS funding.
Service Users Support Network / Coffee ‘n’ Chat
Come and share your ideas and experiences with other Direct Payments service users.
This will be your chance to:
Chat to people who understand your situation
Share experiences of what works well
Hear from speakers and ask questions
Enjoy a drink and a friendly get together
Coffee 'n' Chat
Join us on the first Wednesday of the month, from 10.30am to 12pm
Venue: PCVS, Allia Future Business Centre, London Road, Peterborough, PE2 8AN
Funding and Statistics
Total number of service users (31 March 2023)
Adult service users
How to contact us:
Please get in touch if you need any information
For an appointment, please call Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm; Friday 9am to 12pm
Telephone: 01733 342683 (option 1)
Email: [email protected]
Other enquiries
Direct Payments Manager [email protected]
All queries for support please email [email protected]
All queries regarding Direct Payment finance email [email protected]
All queries regarding Direct Payments payroll email [email protected]
All queries regarding Personal Assistants email [email protected]
All queries regarding personal health budgets [email protected]
Helpful Resources
National Childrens Bureau
Peterborough City Council Easy Guide to Personal Budgets
Peterborough City Council Adult Social Care
Peterborough City Council Adult Social Care Complaints
Peterborough City Council Paying for Care
What is a personal health budget?
Skills for Care - Charity supporting the Adult Social Care Sector